Source code for pulsar.client.staging

import re
from enum import Enum
from os import sep
from os.path import (

from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch

from ..util import PathHelper


[docs] class DynamicFileSourceType(str, Enum): legacy_galaxy = "legacy_galaxy" # older stlye galaxy.json - line per entry galaxy = "galaxy" # modern galaxy.json - single json
# TODO: cwl outputs file, etc...
[docs] class ClientJobDescription: """ A description of how client views job - command_line, inputs, etc.. **Parameters** command_line : str The local command line to execute, this will be rewritten for the remote server. config_files : list List of Galaxy 'configfile's produced for this job. These will be rewritten and sent to remote server. input_files : list List of input files used by job. These will be transferred and references rewritten. client_outputs : ClientOutputs Description of outputs produced by job (at least output files along with optional version string and working directory outputs. tool_dir : str Directory containing tool to execute (if a wrapper is used, it will be transferred to remote server). working_directory : str Local path created by Galaxy for running this job (job_wrapper.tool_working_directory). metadata_directory : str Local path created by Galaxy for running this job (job_wrapper.working_directory). dependencies_description : list object describing tool dependency context for remote depenency resolution. env: list List of dict object describing environment variables to populate. version_file : str Path to version file expected on the client server arbitrary_files : dict() Additional non-input, non-tool, non-config, non-working directory files to transfer before staging job. This is most likely data indices but can be anything. For now these are copied into staging working directory but this will be reworked to find a better, more robust location. rewrite_paths : boolean Indicates whether paths should be rewritten in job inputs (command_line and config files) while staging files). """ def __init__( self, command_line, tool=None, config_files=None, input_files=None, client_inputs=None, client_outputs=None, working_directory=None, metadata_directory=None, dependencies_description=None, env=[], arbitrary_files=None, job_directory_files=None, tool_directory_required_files=None, rewrite_paths=True, touch_outputs=None, container=None, remote_pulsar_app_config=None, guest_ports=None, ): self.tool = tool self.command_line = command_line self.config_files = config_files or [] if input_files is not None: # Deprecated input but provided for backward compatibility. assert client_inputs is None client_inputs = ClientInputs.for_simple_input_paths(input_files) self.client_inputs = client_inputs or ClientInputs([]) self.client_outputs = client_outputs or ClientOutputs() self.working_directory = working_directory self.metadata_directory = metadata_directory self.dependencies_description = dependencies_description self.env = env self.job_directory_files = job_directory_files or [] self.tool_directory_required_files = tool_directory_required_files self.rewrite_paths = rewrite_paths self.arbitrary_files = arbitrary_files or {} self.touch_outputs = touch_outputs or [] self.container = container self.guest_ports = guest_ports self.remote_pulsar_app_config = remote_pulsar_app_config @property def input_files(self): # Deprecated but provided for backward compatibility. input_files = [] for client_input in self.client_inputs: if client_input.input_type == CLIENT_INPUT_PATH_TYPES.INPUT_PATH: input_files.append(client_input.path) return input_files @property def output_files(self): return self.client_outputs.output_files @property def version_file(self): return self.client_outputs.version_file @property def tool_dependencies(self): if not self.remote_dependency_resolution: return None return dict( requirements=(self.tool.requirements or []), installed_tool_dependencies=(self.tool.installed_tool_dependencies or []) )
[docs] class ClientInputs: """Abstraction describing input datasets for a job.""" def __init__(self, client_inputs): self.client_inputs = client_inputs def __iter__(self): return iter(self.client_inputs)
[docs] @staticmethod def for_simple_input_paths(input_files): # Legacy: just assume extra files path based on inputs, probably not # the best behavior - ignores object store for instance. client_inputs = [] for input_file in input_files: client_inputs.append(ClientInput(input_file, CLIENT_INPUT_PATH_TYPES.INPUT_PATH)) files_path = "%s_files" % input_file[0:-len(".dat")] if exists(files_path): client_inputs.append(ClientInput(files_path, CLIENT_INPUT_PATH_TYPES.INPUT_EXTRA_FILES_PATH)) return ClientInputs(client_inputs)
CLIENT_INPUT_PATH_TYPES = Bunch( INPUT_PATH="input_path", INPUT_EXTRA_FILES_PATH="input_extra_files_path", INPUT_METADATA_PATH="input_metadata_path", )
[docs] class ClientInput: def __init__(self, path, input_type, object_store_ref=None): self.path = path self.input_type = input_type self.object_store_ref = object_store_ref @property def action_source(self): return {"path": self.path, "object_store_ref": self.object_store_ref}
[docs] class ClientOutputs: """ Abstraction describing the output datasets EXPECTED by the Galaxy job runner client. """ def __init__( self, working_directory=None, output_files=[], work_dir_outputs=None, version_file=None, dynamic_outputs=None, metadata_directory=None, job_directory=None, dynamic_file_sources=None, ): self.working_directory = working_directory self.metadata_directory = metadata_directory self.work_dir_outputs = work_dir_outputs or [] self.output_files = output_files or [] self.version_file = version_file self.dynamic_outputs = dynamic_outputs or DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_PATTERN self.job_directory = job_directory self.dynamic_file_sources = dynamic_file_sources self.__dynamic_patterns = list(map(re.compile, self.dynamic_outputs))
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict( working_directory=self.working_directory, metadata_directory=self.metadata_directory, job_directory=self.job_directory, work_dir_outputs=self.work_dir_outputs, output_files=self.output_files, version_file=self.version_file, dynamic_outputs=self.dynamic_outputs, dynamic_file_sources=self.dynamic_file_sources, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(config_dict): return ClientOutputs( working_directory=config_dict.get('working_directory'), metadata_directory=config_dict.get('metadata_directory'), work_dir_outputs=config_dict.get('work_dir_outputs'), output_files=config_dict.get('output_files'), version_file=config_dict.get('version_file'), dynamic_outputs=config_dict.get('dynamic_outputs'), dynamic_file_sources=config_dict.get('dynamic_file_sources'), job_directory=config_dict.get('job_directory'), )
[docs] def dynamic_match(self, filename): return any(map(lambda pattern: pattern.match(filename), self.__dynamic_patterns))
[docs] class PulsarOutputs: """ Abstraction describing the output files PRODUCED by the remote Pulsar server. """ def __init__( self, working_directory_contents, output_directory_contents, metadata_directory_contents, job_directory_contents, remote_separator=sep, realized_dynamic_file_sources=None, # list of dicts with keys - name, path, contents. (client def + realized contents) ): self.working_directory_contents = working_directory_contents self.output_directory_contents = output_directory_contents self.metadata_directory_contents = metadata_directory_contents self.job_directory_contents = job_directory_contents self.realized_dynamic_file_sources = realized_dynamic_file_sources self.path_helper = PathHelper(remote_separator)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_status_response(complete_response): # Default to None instead of [] to distinguish between empty contents and it not set # by the Pulsar - older Pulsar instances will not set these in complete response. working_directory_contents = complete_response.get("working_directory_contents") output_directory_contents = complete_response.get("outputs_directory_contents") metadata_directory_contents = complete_response.get("metadata_directory_contents") job_directory_contents = complete_response.get("job_directory_contents") # Older (pre-2014) Pulsar servers will not include separator in response, # so this should only be used when reasoning about outputs in # subdirectories (which was not previously supported prior to that). remote_separator = complete_response.get("system_properties", {}).get("separator", sep) realized_dynamic_file_sources = complete_response.get("realized_dynamic_file_sources", None) return PulsarOutputs( working_directory_contents, output_directory_contents, metadata_directory_contents, job_directory_contents, remote_separator, realized_dynamic_file_sources=realized_dynamic_file_sources, )
[docs] def has_output_file(self, output_file): return basename(output_file) in self.output_directory_contents
[docs] def output_extras(self, output_file): """ Returns dict mapping local path to remote name. """ output_directory = dirname(output_file) def local_path(name): return join(output_directory, self.path_helper.local_name(name)) files_directory = "{}_files{}".format(basename(output_file)[0:-len(".dat")], self.path_helper.separator) names = filter(lambda o: o.startswith(files_directory), self.output_directory_contents) return dict(map(lambda name: (local_path(name), name), names))