Source code for pulsar.managers.util.pykube_util

"""Interface layer for pykube library shared between Galaxy and Pulsar."""
import logging
import os
import re
import uuid

    from pykube.config import KubeConfig
    from pykube.http import HTTPClient
    from pykube.objects import (
except ImportError as exc:
    KubeConfig = None
    Job = None
    Pod = None
    K8S_IMPORT_MESSAGE = ('The Python pykube package is required to use '
                          'this feature, please install it or correct the '
                          'following error:\nImportError %s' % str(exc))

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

INSTANCE_ID_INVALID_MESSAGE = ("Galaxy instance [%s] is either too long "
                               "(>20 characters) or it includes non DNS "
                               "acceptable characters, ignoring it.")

[docs] def ensure_pykube(): if KubeConfig is None: raise Exception(K8S_IMPORT_MESSAGE)
[docs] def pykube_client_from_dict(params): if "k8s_use_service_account" in params and params["k8s_use_service_account"]: pykube_client = HTTPClient(KubeConfig.from_service_account()) else: config_path = params.get("k8s_config_path") if config_path is None: config_path = os.environ.get('KUBECONFIG', None) if config_path is None: config_path = '~/.kube/config' pykube_client = HTTPClient(KubeConfig.from_file(config_path)) return pykube_client
[docs] def produce_unique_k8s_job_name(app_prefix=None, instance_id=None, job_id=None): if job_id is None: job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) job_name = "" if app_prefix: job_name += "%s-" % app_prefix if instance_id and len(instance_id) > 0: job_name += "%s-" % instance_id return job_name + job_id
[docs] def pull_policy(params): # If this doesn't validate it returns None, that seems odd? if "k8s_pull_policy" in params: if params['k8s_pull_policy'] in ["Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"]: return params['k8s_pull_policy'] return None
[docs] def find_job_object_by_name(pykube_api, job_name, namespace=None): return _find_object_by_name(Job, pykube_api, job_name, namespace=namespace)
[docs] def find_pod_object_by_name(pykube_api, pod_name, namespace=None): return _find_object_by_name(Pod, pykube_api, pod_name, namespace=namespace)
def _find_object_by_name(clazz, pykube_api, object_name, namespace=None): filter_kwd = dict(selector="app=%s" % object_name) if namespace is not None: filter_kwd["namespace"] = namespace objs = clazz.objects(pykube_api).filter(**filter_kwd) obj = None if len(objs.response['items']) > 0: obj = clazz(pykube_api, objs.response['items'][0]) return obj
[docs] def stop_job(job, cleanup="always"): job_failed = (job.obj['status']['failed'] > 0 if 'failed' in job.obj['status'] else False) # Scale down the job just in case even if cleanup is never job.scale(replicas=0) if (cleanup == "always" or (cleanup == "onsuccess" and not job_failed)): delete_options = { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "DeleteOptions", "propagationPolicy": "Background" } r = job.api.delete(json=delete_options, **job.api_kwargs()) job.api.raise_for_status(r)
[docs] def job_object_dict(params, job_name, spec): k8s_job_obj = { "apiVersion": params.get('k8s_job_api_version', DEFAULT_JOB_API_VERSION), "kind": "Job", "metadata": { # is the name of the pod resource created, and must be unique # "name": job_name, "namespace": params.get('k8s_namespace', DEFAULT_NAMESPACE), "labels": {"app": job_name} }, "spec": spec, } return k8s_job_obj
[docs] def galaxy_instance_id(params): """Parse and validate the id of the Galaxy instance from supplied dict. This will be added to Jobs and Pods names, so it needs to be DNS friendly, this means: `The Internet standards (Requests for Comments) for protocols mandate that component hostname labels may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (in a case-insensitive manner), the digits '0' through '9', and the minus sign ('-').` It looks for the value set on params['k8s_galaxy_instance_id'], which might or not be set. The idea behind this is to allow the Galaxy instance to trust (or not) existing k8s Jobs and Pods that match the setup of a Job that is being recovered or restarted after a downtime/reboot. """ if "k8s_galaxy_instance_id" in params: raw_value = params['k8s_galaxy_instance_id'] if re.match(r"(?!-)[a-z\d-]{1,20}(?<!-)$", raw_value): return raw_value else: log.error(INSTANCE_ID_INVALID_MESSAGE % raw_value) return None
__all__ = ( "DEFAULT_JOB_API_VERSION", "ensure_pykube", "find_job_object_by_name", "find_pod_object_by_name", "galaxy_instance_id", "Job", "job_object_dict", "Pod", "produce_unique_k8s_job_name", "pull_policy", "pykube_client_from_dict", "stop_job", )