Source code for pulsar.client.amqp_exchange

import copy
import logging
import socket
import threading
import uuid
from time import (
from typing import Optional

from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
    import kombu
    import kombu.exceptions
    from kombu import pools
except ImportError:
    kombu = None

    import amqp
    import amqp.exceptions
except ImportError:
    amqp = None

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

KOMBU_UNAVAILABLE = "Attempting to bind to AMQP message queue, but kombu dependency unavailable"
AMQP_UNAVAILABLE = "Attempting to bind to AMQP message queue, but pyampq dependency unavailable"

# Set timeout to periodically give up looking and check if polling should end.


ACK_UUID_KEY = 'acknowledge_uuid'
ACK_QUEUE_KEY = 'acknowledge_queue'
ACK_SUBMIT_QUEUE_KEY = 'acknowledge_submit_queue'
ACK_UUID_RESPONSE_KEY = 'acknowledge_uuid_response'
ACK_FORCE_NOACK_KEY = 'force_noack'

[docs]class PulsarExchange: """ Utility for publishing and consuming structured Pulsar queues using kombu. This is shared between the server and client - an exchange should be setup for each manager (or in the case of the client, each manager one wished to communicate with.) Each Pulsar manager is defined solely by name in the scheme, so only one Pulsar should target each AMQP endpoint or care should be taken that unique manager names are used across Pulsar servers targeting the same AMQP endpoint - and in particular only one such Pulsar should define an default manager with name _default_. """ def __init__( self, url, manager_name, amqp_key_prefix=None, connect_ssl=None, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, publish_kwds={}, publish_uuid_store=None, consume_uuid_store=None, republish_time=DEFAULT_REPUBLISH_TIME, ): """ """ if not kombu: raise Exception(KOMBU_UNAVAILABLE) if not amqp: raise Exception(AMQP_UNAVAILABLE) # conditional imports and type checking prevent us from doing this at the module level. self.recoverable_exceptions = ( ConnectionResetError, # socket.timeout, amqp.exceptions.ConnectionForced, # e.g. connection closed on rabbitmq sigterm amqp.exceptions.RecoverableConnectionError, # connection closed amqp.exceptions.RecoverableChannelError, # publish time out kombu.exceptions.OperationalError, # ConnectionRefusedError, e.g. when getting a new connection while rabbitmq is down ) self.__kombu_version = parse_version(kombu.__version__) self.__url = url self.__manager_name = manager_name self.__amqp_key_prefix = amqp_key_prefix self.__connect_ssl = connect_ssl self.__exchange = kombu.Exchange(DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_NAME, DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_TYPE) self.__timeout = timeout self.__republish_time = republish_time # Be sure to log message publishing failures. if publish_kwds.get("retry", False): if "retry_policy" not in publish_kwds: publish_kwds["retry_policy"] = {} self.__publish_kwds = publish_kwds self.publish_uuid_store = publish_uuid_store self.consume_uuid_store = consume_uuid_store self.publish_ack_lock = threading.Lock() # Ack manager should sleep before checking for # republishes, but if that changes, need to drain the # queue once before the ack manager starts doing its # thing self.ack_manager_thread = self.__start_ack_manager() @staticmethod def __publish_errback(exc, interval, publish_log_prefix=""): log.error("%sConnection error while publishing: %r", publish_log_prefix, exc, exc_info=1)"%sRetrying in %s seconds", publish_log_prefix, interval) @property def url(self): return self.__url @property def acks_enabled(self): return self.publish_uuid_store is not None
[docs] def consume(self, queue_name, callback, check=True, connection_kwargs={}): queue = self.__queue(queue_name) log.debug("Consuming queue '%s'", queue) callbacks = [self.__ack_callback] if callback is not None: callbacks.append(callback) while check: heartbeat_thread = None try: with self.connection(self.__url, heartbeat=DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT, **connection_kwargs) as connection: with kombu.Consumer(connection, queues=[queue], callbacks=callbacks, accept=['json']): heartbeat_thread = self.__start_heartbeat(queue_name, connection) while check and connection.connected: try: connection.drain_events(timeout=self.__timeout) except socket.timeout: pass except self.recoverable_exceptions as exc: self.__handle_io_error(exc, heartbeat_thread) except BaseException: log.exception("Problem consuming queue, consumer quitting in problematic fashion!") raise"Done consuming queue %s" % queue_name)
def __ack_callback(self, body, message): if ACK_UUID_KEY in body: # The consumer of a normal queue has received a message requiring # acknowledgement ack_uuid = body[ACK_UUID_KEY] ack_queue = body[ACK_QUEUE_KEY] response = {ACK_UUID_RESPONSE_KEY: ack_uuid} log.debug('Acknowledging UUID %s on queue %s', ack_uuid, ack_queue) self.publish(ack_queue, response) if self.consume_uuid_store is None: log.warning('Received an ack request (UUID: %s, response queue: ' '%s) but ack UUID persistence is not enabled, check ' 'your config', ack_uuid, ack_queue) elif ack_uuid not in self.consume_uuid_store: # This message has not been seen before, store the uuid so it # is not operated on more than once self.consume_uuid_store[ack_uuid] = time() else: # This message has been seen before, prevent downstream # callbacks from processing normally by acknowledging it here, # still send the ack reply log.warning('Message with UUID %s on queue %s has already ' 'been performed, skipping callback', ack_uuid, ack_queue) message.ack() elif ACK_UUID_RESPONSE_KEY in body: # The consumer of an ack queue has received an ack, remove it from the store ack_uuid = body[ACK_UUID_RESPONSE_KEY] log.debug('Got acknowledgement for UUID %s, will remove from store', ack_uuid) try: with self.publish_ack_lock: del self.publish_uuid_store[ack_uuid] except KeyError: log.warning('Cannot remove UUID %s from store, already removed', ack_uuid) message.ack() def __handle_io_error(self, exc: BaseException, heartbeat_thread: Optional[threading.Thread] = None): # In testing, errno is None log.warning('Got %s, will retry: %s', exc.__class__.__name__, exc) try: if heartbeat_thread: heartbeat_thread.join(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_JOIN_TIMEOUT) except Exception: log.exception("Failed to join heartbeat thread, this is bad?") try: sleep(DEFAULT_RECONNECT_CONSUMER_WAIT) except Exception: log.exception("Interrupted sleep while waiting to reconnect to message queue, may restart unless problems encountered.")
[docs] def heartbeat(self, connection): log.debug('AMQP heartbeat thread alive') try: while connection.connected: connection.heartbeat_check() sleep(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_WAIT) except BaseException: log.exception("Problem with heartbeat, leaving heartbeat method in problematic state!") raise log.debug('AMQP heartbeat thread exiting')
[docs] def publish(self, name, payload): # Consider optionally disabling if throughput becomes main concern. transaction_uuid = uuid.uuid1() key = self.__queue_name(name) publish_log_prefix = self.__publish_log_prefex(transaction_uuid) log.debug("%sBegin publishing to key %s", publish_log_prefix, key) if (self.acks_enabled and not name.endswith(ACK_QUEUE_SUFFIX) and ACK_FORCE_NOACK_KEY not in payload): # Publishing a message on a normal queue and it's not a republish # (or explicitly forced do-not-ack), so add ack keys ack_uuid = str(transaction_uuid) ack_queue = name + ACK_QUEUE_SUFFIX payload[ACK_UUID_KEY] = ack_uuid payload[ACK_QUEUE_KEY] = ack_queue payload[ACK_SUBMIT_QUEUE_KEY] = name self.publish_uuid_store[ack_uuid] = payload log.debug('Requesting acknowledgement of UUID %s on queue %s', ack_uuid, ack_queue) with self.connection(self.__url) as connection: with pools.producers[connection].acquire() as producer: log.debug("%sHave producer for publishing to key %s", publish_log_prefix, key) publish_kwds = self.__prepare_publish_kwds(publish_log_prefix) producer.publish( payload, serializer='json', exchange=self.__exchange, declare=[self.__exchange], routing_key=key, **publish_kwds ) log.debug("%sPublished to key %s", publish_log_prefix, key)
[docs] def ack_manager(self): log.debug('Acknowledgement manager thread alive') failed = set() try: while True: sleep(DEFAULT_ACK_MANAGER_SLEEP) with self.publish_ack_lock: for unack_uuid in self.publish_uuid_store.keys(): if self.publish_uuid_store.get_time(unack_uuid) < time() - self.__republish_time: payload = self.__get_payload(unack_uuid, failed) if payload is None: continue payload[ACK_FORCE_NOACK_KEY] = True resubmit_queue = payload[ACK_SUBMIT_QUEUE_KEY] log.debug('UUID %s has not been acknowledged, ' 'republishing original message on queue %s', unack_uuid, resubmit_queue) try: self.publish(resubmit_queue, payload) self.publish_uuid_store.set_time(unack_uuid) except self.recoverable_exceptions as e: self.__handle_io_error(e) continue except Exception: log.exception("Problem with acknowledgement manager, leaving ack_manager method in problematic state!") raise log.debug('Acknowledgement manager thread exiting')
def __get_payload(self, uuid, failed): """Retry reading a message from the publish_uuid_store once, delete on the second failure.""" # Caller should have the publish_uuid_store lock try: return self.publish_uuid_store[uuid] except Exception as exc: msg = "Failed to load payload from publish store for UUID %s, %s: %s" if uuid in failed: log.error(msg, uuid, "discarding", str(exc)) self.__discard_publish_uuid(uuid, failed) else: log.error(msg, uuid, "will try agan", str(exc)) failed.add(uuid) return None def __discard_publish_uuid(self, uuid, failed): try: del self.publish_uuid_store[uuid] failed.discard(uuid) except Exception as exc: log.error("Failed to discard UUID %s from publish store: %s", uuid, str(exc)) def __prepare_publish_kwds(self, publish_log_prefix): if "retry_policy" in self.__publish_kwds: publish_kwds = copy.deepcopy(self.__publish_kwds) def errback(exc, interval): return PulsarExchange.__publish_errback(exc, interval, publish_log_prefix) publish_kwds["retry_policy"]["errback"] = errback else: publish_kwds = self.__publish_kwds if self.__kombu_version < MINIMUM_KOMBU_VERSION_PUBLISH_TIMEOUT: log.warning(f"kombu version {kombu.__version__} does not support timeout argument to publish. Consider updating to 5.2.0 or newer") publish_kwds.pop("timeout", None) return publish_kwds def __publish_log_prefex(self, transaction_uuid=None): prefix = "" if transaction_uuid: prefix = "[publish:%s] " % str(transaction_uuid) return prefix
[docs] def connection(self, connection_string, **kwargs): if "ssl" not in kwargs: kwargs["ssl"] = self.__connect_ssl return kombu.Connection(connection_string, **kwargs)
def __queue(self, name): queue_name = self.__queue_name(name) queue = kombu.Queue(queue_name, self.__exchange, routing_key=queue_name) return queue def __queue_name(self, name): key_prefix = self.__key_prefix() queue_name = '{}_{}'.format(key_prefix, name) return queue_name def __key_prefix(self): if self.__amqp_key_prefix is not None: key_prefix = self.__amqp_key_prefix else: if self.__manager_name == "_default_": key_prefix = "pulsar_" else: key_prefix = "pulsar_%s_" % self.__manager_name return key_prefix def __start_heartbeat(self, queue_name, connection): thread_name = "consume-heartbeat-%s" % (self.__queue_name(queue_name)) thread = threading.Thread(name=thread_name, target=self.heartbeat, args=(connection,)) thread.start() return thread def __start_ack_manager(self): if self.acks_enabled: thread_name = "acknowledgement-manager" thread = threading.Thread(name=thread_name, target=self.ack_manager) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread