Source code for pulsar.client.job_directory

import os.path
import posixpath
from collections import deque
from glob import glob
from logging import getLogger

from galaxy.util import in_directory

from .util import PathHelper

log = getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class RemoteJobDirectory: """ Representation of a (potentially) remote Pulsar-style staging directory. """ def __init__(self, remote_staging_directory, remote_id, remote_sep): self.path_helper = PathHelper(remote_sep) if remote_id: self.job_directory = self.path_helper.remote_join( remote_staging_directory, remote_id ) else: self.job_directory = remote_staging_directory
[docs] def home_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('home')
[docs] def metadata_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('metadata')
[docs] def working_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('working')
[docs] def inputs_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('inputs')
[docs] def outputs_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('outputs')
[docs] def configs_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('configs')
[docs] def tool_files_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('tool_files')
[docs] def unstructured_files_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('unstructured')
[docs] def default_tmp_directory(self): return self._sub_dir('tmp')
@property def path(self): return self.job_directory @property def separator(self): return self.path_helper.separator
[docs] def calculate_path(self, remote_relative_path, input_type): """ Only for used by Pulsar client, should override for managers to enforce security and make the directory if needed. """ directory, allow_nested_files, allow_globs = self._directory_for_file_type(input_type) return self.path_helper.remote_join(directory, remote_relative_path)
def _directory_for_file_type(self, file_type): allow_nested_files = False # work_dir and input_extra are types used by legacy clients... # Obviously this client won't be legacy because this is in the # client module, but this code is reused on server which may # serve legacy clients. allow_nested_files = file_type in ['input', 'unstructured', 'output', 'output_workdir', 'metadata', 'output_metadata', 'tool'] allow_globs = file_type in ['output_workdir'] # TODO: tool profile version where this is invalid directory_source = getattr(self, TYPES_TO_METHOD.get(file_type, None), None) if not directory_source: raise Exception("Unknown file_type specified %s" % file_type) if callable(directory_source): directory_source = directory_source() return directory_source, allow_nested_files, allow_globs def _sub_dir(self, name): return self.path_helper.remote_join(self.job_directory, name)
[docs]def get_mapped_file(directory, remote_path, allow_nested_files=False, local_path_module=os.path, mkdir=True, allow_globs=False): """ >>> import ntpath >>> get_mapped_file(r'C:\\pulsar\\staging\\101', 'dataset_1_files/moo/cow', allow_nested_files=True, local_path_module=ntpath, mkdir=False) 'C:\\\\pulsar\\\\staging\\\\101\\\\dataset_1_files\\\\moo\\\\cow' >>> get_mapped_file(r'C:\\pulsar\\staging\\101', 'dataset_1_files/moo/cow', allow_nested_files=False, local_path_module=ntpath) 'C:\\\\pulsar\\\\staging\\\\101\\\\cow' >>> get_mapped_file(r'C:\\pulsar\\staging\\101', '../cow', allow_nested_files=True, local_path_module=ntpath, mkdir=False) Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: Attempt to read or write file outside an authorized directory. """ if not allow_nested_files: name = local_path_module.basename(remote_path) path = local_path_module.join(directory, name) else: local_rel_path = __posix_to_local_path(remote_path, local_path_module=local_path_module) local_path = local_path_module.join(directory, local_rel_path) verify_is_in_directory(local_path, directory, local_path_module=local_path_module) local_directory = local_path_module.dirname(local_path) if mkdir and not local_path_module.exists(local_directory): os.makedirs(local_directory) path = local_path if allow_globs and ('*' in path or '?' in path): matches = glob(path) if len(matches) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"No files matching glob: {path}") elif len(matches) > 1: log.warning(f"Found multiple files matching {path}, using the first match: {matches}") else:"Glob path {path} mapped to matched file: {matches[0]}") path = matches[0] return path
def __posix_to_local_path(path, local_path_module=os.path): """ Converts a posix path (coming from Galaxy), to a local path (be it posix or Windows). >>> import ntpath >>> __posix_to_local_path('dataset_1_files/moo/cow', local_path_module=ntpath) 'dataset_1_files\\\\moo\\\\cow' >>> import posixpath >>> __posix_to_local_path('dataset_1_files/moo/cow', local_path_module=posixpath) 'dataset_1_files/moo/cow' """ partial_path = deque() while True: if not path or path == '/': break (path, base) = posixpath.split(path) partial_path.appendleft(base) return local_path_module.join(*partial_path)
[docs]def verify_is_in_directory(path, directory, local_path_module=os.path): if not in_directory(path, directory, local_path_module): msg = "Attempt to read or write file outside an authorized directory." log.warn("{} Attempted path: {}, valid directory: {}".format(msg, path, directory)) raise Exception(msg)