Source code for pulsar.scripts.config

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import string
import sys

from pulsar.main import (

    import pip
except ImportError:
    pip = None  # type: ignore

    import virtualenv
except ImportError:
    virtualenv = None

IS_WINDOWS = os.environ.get("MOCK_WINDOWS", None) or sys.platform.startswith('win')


DESCRIPTION = "Initialize a directory with a minimal pulsar config."
HELP_DIRECTORY = "Directory containing the configuration files for Pulsar."
HELP_MQ = ("Write configuration files for message queue server deployment "
           "instead of more traditional RESTful web based pulsar.")
HELP_AUTO_CONDA = ("Auto initialize Conda for tool resolution and auto install "
                   "dependencies on demand.")
HELP_NO_LOGGING = ("Do not write Pulsar's default logging configuration to server.ini "
                   "and if uwsgi is configured do not configure its logging either.")
HELP_SUPERVISOR = ("Write a supervisord configuration file for "
                   "managing pulsar out as well.")
HELP_FORCE = "Overwrite existing files if they already exist."
HELP_WSGI_SERVER = ("Web server stack used to host Pulsar wsgi application.")
HELP_LIBDRMAA = ("Configure Pulsar to submit jobs to a cluster via DRMAA by "
                 "supplying the path to a libdrmaa .so file using this argument.")
HELP_INSTALL = ("Install optional dependencies required by specified configuration "
                "(e.g. drmaa, supervisor, uwsgi, etc...).")
HELP_HOST = ("Host to bind Pulsar to - defaults to localhost. Specify "
             "to listen on all interfaces.")
HELP_TOKEN = ("Private token used to authorize clients. If Pulsar is not protected "
              "via firewall, this should be specified and SSL should be enabled. See "
              "%s for more information on security.") % CONFIGURE_URL
HELP_PORT = ("Port to bind Pulsar to (ignored if --mq is specified).")
HELP_PIP_INSTALL_ARGS_HELP = ("Arguments to pip install (defaults to pulsar-app) - unimplemented")

DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost"

LOGGING_CONFIG_SECTIONS = """## Configure Python loggers.
keys = root,pulsar

keys = console

keys = generic

level = INFO
handlers = console

level = DEBUG
handlers = console
qualname = pulsar
propagate = 0

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = DEBUG
formatter = generic

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s

SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""[program:pulsar]
user            = ${user}
directory       = ${directory}
command         = pulsar --mode '${mode}' --config '${directory}'
redirect_stderr = true
autorestart     = true

SERVER_CONFIG_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""[server:main]
use = egg:Paste#http
port = ${port}
host = ${host}
## pem file to use to enable SSL.
# ssl_pem = host.pem

paste.app_factory = pulsar.web.wsgi:app_factory
app_config = %(here)s/app.yml

## Configure uWSGI (if used).
master = True
paste-logger = ${use_logging}
socket = ${host}:3031
processes = 1
enable-threads = True

## Configure circus and chaussette (if used).
endpoint = tcp://
pubsub_endpoint = tcp://
#stats_endpoint = tcp://

cmd = chaussette --fd $(circus.sockets.web) paste:server.ini
use_sockets = True
# Pulsar must be single-process for now...
numprocesses = 1

host = ${host}
port = ${port}


LOCAL_ENV_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""## Place local configuration variables used by Pulsar and in here. For example

## If using the drmaa queue manager, you will need to set the DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH variable,
## you may also need to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH for underlying library as well.

## If you wish to use a variety of Galaxy tools that depend on galaxy.eggs being defined,
## set GALAXY_HOME to point to a copy of Galaxy.
#export GALAXY_HOME=/path/to/galaxy-dist

[docs]def main(argv=None): dependencies = [] arg_parser = PlatformArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) arg_parser.add_argument("--directory", default=".", help=HELP_DIRECTORY) arg_parser.add_argument("--auto_conda", action="store_true", default=False, help=HELP_AUTO_CONDA) arg_parser.add_argument("--mq", action="store_true", default=False, help=HELP_MQ) arg_parser.add_argument("--no_logging", dest="logging", action="store_false", default=True, help=HELP_NO_LOGGING) arg_parser.add_argument("--supervisor", action="store_true", default=False, help=HELP_SUPERVISOR, skip_on_windows=True) arg_parser.add_argument("--wsgi_server", choices=["paster", "uwsgi"], default=None, help=HELP_WSGI_SERVER, skip_on_windows=True) arg_parser.add_argument("--libdrmaa_path", help=HELP_LIBDRMAA, skip_on_windows=True) arg_parser.add_argument("--host", default=DEFAULT_HOST, help=HELP_HOST) arg_parser.add_argument("--private_token", default=None, help=HELP_TOKEN) arg_parser.add_argument("--port", default="8913", help=HELP_PORT) arg_parser.add_argument("--install", action="store_true", help=HELP_INSTALL) arg_parser.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", default=False, help=HELP_FORCE) # arg_parser.add_argument("--pip_install_args", # default="pulsar-app", # help=HELP_PIP_INSTALL_ARGS_HELP) args = arg_parser.parse_args(argv) directory = relative_directory = directory directory = os.path.abspath(directory) mode = _determine_mode(args) if mode == "uwsgi": dependencies.append("uwsgi") if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) default_dependencies_dir = os.path.join(directory, "dependencies") if not os.path.exists(default_dependencies_dir): os.makedirs(default_dependencies_dir) print("Bootstrapping pulsar configuration into directory %s" % relative_directory) _handle_app_yaml(args, directory) _handle_server_ini(args, directory) if not IS_WINDOWS: _handle_local_env(args, directory, dependencies) _handle_supervisor(args, mode, directory, dependencies) _handle_install(args, dependencies) _print_config_summary(args, mode, relative_directory)
def _print_config_summary(args, mode, relative_directory): print(" - app.yml created, update to configure Pulsar application.") _print_server_ini_info(args, mode) if not IS_WINDOWS: print(" - created, update to configure environment.") print("\n") print("Start pulsar by running the command from directory [%s]:" % relative_directory) _print_pulsar_run(mode) _print_pulsar_check(args, mode) def _print_server_ini_info(args, mode): if not print(" - server.ini created, update to configure web server.") print(" * Target web server %s" % mode) if == DEFAULT_HOST: print(" * Binding to host localhost, remote clients will not be able to connect.") elif args.private_token: print(" * Binding to host [%s] with a private token, please configure SSL if network is not firewalled off.", else: print(" * Binding to host [%s], configure a private token and SSL if network is not firewalled off.", print(" * Target web server %s" % mode) def _print_pulsar_run(mode): if IS_WINDOWS: print(" pulsar") elif mode == "uwsgi": print(" pulsar --mode %s" % mode) print("Any extra commands passed to pulsar will be forwarded along to uwsgi.") elif mode != "paster": print(" pulsar --mode %s" % mode) else: print(" pulsar") def _print_pulsar_check(args, mode): if not mode == "webless": # TODO: Implement pulsar-check for mq return print("Run a test job against your Pulsar server using the command:") command = "pulsar-check --url http://{}:{}".format(, args.port) if args.private_token: command += '--private_token %s' % args.private_token print(" %s" % command) print("If it reports no problems, your pulsar server is running properly.") def _determine_mode(args): if not IS_WINDOWS and args.wsgi_server: mode = args.wsgi_server elif mode = "webless" else: mode = "paster" return mode def _handle_server_ini(args, directory): force = args.force ini_file = os.path.join(directory, DEFAULT_INI) if not _check_file(ini_file, force) config_dict = dict( port=args.port,, ) if args.logging: config_dict["logging_sections"] = LOGGING_CONFIG_SECTIONS config_dict["use_logging"] = "true" else: config_dict["logging_sections"] = "" config_dict["use_logging"] = "false" server_config = SERVER_CONFIG_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute( **config_dict ) open(ini_file, "w").write(server_config) def _handle_app_yaml(args, directory): force = args.force yaml_file = os.path.join(directory, DEFAULT_APP_YAML) _check_file(yaml_file, force) contents = "---\n" if args.private_token: contents += 'private_token: %s\n' % args.private_token if contents += 'message_queue_url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//"\n' auto_conda = 'true' if args.auto_conda else 'false' contents += 'conda_auto_init: {}\n'.format(auto_conda) contents += 'conda_auto_install: {}\n'.format(auto_conda) if not IS_WINDOWS and args.libdrmaa_path: contents += 'manager:\n type: queued_drmaa\n' open(yaml_file, "w").write(contents) def _handle_local_env(args, directory, dependencies): local_env_file = os.path.join(directory, "") if args.libdrmaa_path: libdrmaa_line = 'export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=%s' % args.libdrmaa_path os.environ["DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH"] = args.libdrmaa_path dependencies.append("drmaa") else: libdrmaa_line = '#export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/' local_env_contents = LOCAL_ENV_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute( libdrmaa_line=libdrmaa_line, ) open(local_env_file, "w").write(local_env_contents) def _handle_supervisor(args, mode, directory, dependencies): if args.supervisor: template = SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_TEMPLATE config = template.safe_substitute( user=os.environ["USER"], directory=directory, mode=mode, ) conf_path = os.path.join(directory, "supervisor.conf") open(conf_path, "w").write(config) dependencies.append("supervisor") def _handle_install(args, dependencies): if args.install and dependencies: if pip is None: raise ImportError("Bootstrapping Pulsar dependencies requires pip library.") pip.main(["install"] + dependencies) # def _install_pulsar_in_virtualenv(venv): # if virtualenv is None: # raise ImportError("Bootstrapping Pulsar into a virtual environment, requires virtualenv.") # if IS_WINDOWS: # bin_dir = "Scripts" # else: # bin_dir = "bin" # virtualenv.create_environment(venv) # # TODO: Remove --pre on release. #[os.path.join(venv, bin_dir, 'pip'), 'install', "--pre", "pulsar-app"]) def _check_file(path, force): if os.path.exists(path) and not force: print("File %s exists, exiting. Run with --force to replace configuration." % path, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
[docs]class PlatformArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
[docs] def add_argument(self, *args, **kwds): if "skip_on_windows" in kwds: skip_on_windows = kwds["skip_on_windows"] if skip_on_windows and IS_WINDOWS: return del kwds["skip_on_windows"] return ArgumentParser.add_argument(self, *args, **kwds)